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中华文化 | 疏野 Unrestrained and Ingenuous Spirit

发布日期:2022-06-22  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:266
核心提示:疏野Unrestrained and Ingenuous Spirit洒脱不羁,真率自然。是唐代司空图提出的二十四种诗歌风格之一,也是非常重要的古典美学范畴。“疏野”所反映的实际是诗歌创作中的一种“无心”状态,即任由本心本性与外物遇合,不从主观情志出发,不刻意选择外在景观与素材,不刻意运用某种手法、技巧,不精雕细刻、反复推敲。为文如为人,洒脱不羁,率真豁达,质朴自然

疏野  Unrestrained and Ingenuous Spirit


This term refers to one of the twenty-four styles of poetry as propounded by Sikong Tu of the Tang Dynasty and falls into a very important classic aesthetic category. An unrestrained and ingenuous spirit reflects a state of "carelessness" in poetic creation, whereby the poet allows his inner self to encounter external things without constraint. It does not proceed from the poet's subjective feelings and aspirations nor does it choose any particular scenery and subject matter. It neither shows favor to any particular technique or means of expression, nor does it pay undue attention to wording. It encourages the poet to write just as freely, spontaneously, and naturally as he behaves in real life. As a poetic style and a creative mindset, an unrestrained and ingenuous spirit does not mean arbitrariness, petulance or lack of method. Instead, it aims to shake off the influence of any preconceived idea or subconscious thought, yet respect prior cognitive and aesthetic experience. It represents not only a natural, quietly elegant, and unrestrained aesthetic style, but also a magnanimous mind and an elevated state of being.

引例 Citation:



When a poet demonstrates a free and ingenuous spirit, he writes in a relaxing style. (Shi Jiaoran: The Theory of Poetry)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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