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中华文化 | 防微杜渐 Taking Precautions Early

发布日期:2022-06-27  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:299
核心提示:防微杜渐Taking Precautions Early把差错、问题等消灭在萌芽状态。“微”即隐微、不明,指事物尚处于不易被察觉的潜在状态;“渐”即征兆、迹象,指事物刚露出苗头,正缓慢滋长。犹言“防患于未然”。任何事物都有一个由隐而显、由小变大的过程,其间还可能引发其他连锁反应。对于差错、问题等,如果不做好提前防范,及时堵塞各种漏洞,待其大势已成,可能会付出

防微杜渐  Taking Precautions Early


This term can also be translated as "nipping the problem in the bud." Hidden or inconspicuous things are not easily discovered. But there are always warning signs, indications of something newly emerged, slowly developing. All things evolve from hidden to obvious, from small to big, and in time they may lead to harmful consequences. If early steps are not taken to prevent mistakes and problems and to eliminate any defects in time, it will be costly to deal with the consequences, and even disaster may ensue. Thus, people should gain a deep understanding and good grasp of what underlies the evolution of things.

引例 Citations:



Rewarding and punishment are two powerful means which the ruler will not concede to others. This enables him to eliminate disasters in bud. (History as a Mirror)



An incipient and light illness is easy to cure. However, prolonged illness is difficult to cure. As said in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, the sage begins treatment before, not after, there is serious illness. (Xu Dachun: The Origin and Development of Illnesses)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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