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中华文化 | 程门立雪 Standing in Snow at the Gate of the Cheng Home

发布日期:2022-07-01  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:3125
核心提示:程门立雪Standing in Snow at the Gate of the Cheng Home冒雪侍立在程颐(1033—1107)门外。立雪:站在雪地里。北宋时,有个叫杨时(1053—1135)的人,他和朋友游酢(1053—1123)一同去著名学者程颐家里请教问题。程颐正在午睡。为了不打扰老师,两人冒着大雪,恭敬地在门外等候,积雪达一尺厚。程颐醒来,深受感动,悉心指导杨时,杨时最终学有所成。这个故

程门立雪  Standing in Snow at the Gate of the Cheng Home


In the Northern Song Dynasty, Yang Shi (1053-1135), together with his friend You Zuo (1053-1123), went to visit the renowned scholar Cheng Yi (1033-1107) to seek his answer to some questions they had. Cheng was having a nap. Not to disturb him, they waited outside the gate, standing in heavy snowfall. When Cheng woke up, he was deeply moved and gave detailed answers to Yang Shi's questions. Yang later became a great scholar. This story urges students to learn from their teachers respectfully. A similar story is told in a Zen Buddhist text. Huike, a Buddhist monk, sought guidance from Bodhidharma, who is credited with having introduced Zen to China. Huike also waited a long time at night in heavy snowfall outside Bodhidharma's abode. These stories show that respecting teachers has been one of the great traditions of the Chinese nation since ancient times.

引例 Citation:



One day Yang Shi went to see Cheng Yi. The latter happened to be taking a nap, so Yang Shi and his companion You Zuo stood outside and waited. When Cheng woke up, the snow outside his gate was already quite deep. (The History of the Song Dynasty)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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