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中华文化 | 陈言务去 The Necessity of Eliminating Banal Expression

发布日期:2022-09-12  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:825
核心提示:陈言务去 The Necessity of Eliminating Banal Expression主要有两层含义:其一,指写文章时要去掉那些用腻了的陈旧言辞;其二,指构思文章时要摈除人云亦云的庸俗之见。这是唐代著名文学家韩愈针对散文写作提出的观点。韩愈强调写文章应该变革创新,努力摒弃一切陈旧的言辞和论点,不可因循守旧。这一见解与韩愈所领导的“古文运动”提出的“文以明道”,提倡古

陈言务去   The Necessity of Eliminating Banal Expression


This term has a two-fold meaning. Firstly, it refers to the need to rid an essay of banal wording. Secondly, it encourages authors to discard mediocre, derivative ideas when writing. It is a term raised by the Tang Dynasty man of letters Han Yu about prose writing. Han emphasized that essays should be written in an innovative way. He guarded against stereotyped expression and argument and opposed any rigid convention. This view echoed the idea of "writing to convey Dao" put forward by Han Yu during the Classical Prose Movement he led, a movement which aimed to abandon rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness in favor of ancient prose of the Han Dynasty.

引例 Citations:



How difficult and exhausting it is to try to eliminate all banal wording and arguments when a person writes what he feels! (Han Yu: A Letter of Response to Li Yi)



Du Fu's poetry is no different from Han Yu's prose in that both eliminate stereotyped wording. Huang Tingjian and Chen Shidao emulated Du Fu exactly on that point. (Liu Xizai: Overview of Literary Theories)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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