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中华文化 | 仁者乐山,智者乐水 The Virtuous Love Mountains and the Wise Love Waters

发布日期:2022-10-03  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:801
核心提示:仁者乐山,智者乐水The Virtuous Love Mountains and the Wise Love Waters有德行的人喜爱山,有智慧的人喜爱水。山崇高持固,以其深厚而滋养万物,仁者由此联想到平和安静、心怀仁德而欣喜;水奔流不息,以其顺势而周流无滞,智者由此联想到顺势而动、随时应变而快乐。此二句互文见义:仁爱而有智慧的人从自然山水中看到自己的天性和追求,乃至看到自己精神的映


The Virtuous Love Mountains and the Wise Love Waters


According to this term, a mountain is lofty and steadfast, conserving everything with its infinite forbearance. Thus, a virtuous man feels elated by associating this with poise, serenity and benevolence. Water, on the other hand, runs on incessantly, finding its way around without being deterred by any obstacle. Thus, a wise man feels joyful recalling how water meanders its course and keeps pace with the seasons. These two statements complement each other in meaning. Benevolent and wise people note their own nature and aptitude, even their own spiritual state of being, through mountains and water, hence their happiness at the sight of natural scenery. This represents two aspects of a noble-minded person's self-cultivation. It is a personification of natural beauty and an experience of aesthetic appreciation brought about by comparing virtue to, and empathizing with, mountains and water. Thus, mountains and waters are often associated with beautiful feelings and have become a common aesthetic image. Wandering among mountains and streams is also seen as an important way for a man of letters to cultivate himself. This comparison made between virtue and natural scenery is typical in Chinese artistic expression and thought.

引例 Citations:



Only when the year turns deadly cold do we see that pines and cypresses are the last trees to show the withering weight of winter. (The Analects)



A wise man loves water; a virtuous man loves mountains. A wise man is active; a virtuous man stays peaceful in mind. A wise man is happy; a virtuous man enjoys a long life. (The Analects)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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