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中华文化 | 师出有名 Fighting a War with a Moral Justification

发布日期:2022-11-22  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:479
核心提示:师出有名Fighting a War with a Moral Justification兴兵开战要有正当的名义或理由。泛指做事有正当的理由。它包含两层意思:其一,师直为壮,谓出兵理由正当,则士气旺盛,战斗力强,否则难以服众;其二,无故不得兴兵,防止因贪、怒而穷兵黩武。其核心在于强调战争的正义性。这是文明精神的体现。To wage a war, one must have a legitimate cause, just as we

Fighting a War with a Moral Justification


To wage a war, one must have a legitimate cause, just as we ought to have such a reason for doing all things. The term has two meanings. The first is that moral justification is a source of strength when waging a war. With moral justification, the troops will have high morale and strength in fighting. Without it, it would be difficult to command the troops. The second meaning is that war must not be waged without a just cause. Greed or anger should not be allowed to lead to militarism and aggression. The underlying notion of this concept is that war can only be fought with a just cause, which represents the spirit of civilization.

引例 Citations:



A military campaign must have a moral justification. (The Book of Rites)



Those who have virtue thrive; those who go against virtue perish. If a war is waged without moral justification, it will not succeed. (The History of the Han Dynasty)



I hope the voice of justice will be heard everywhere. Be bold and confident when fighting a just war. When a military campaign has a moral justification, great victory can be achieved. (Zhu Ding: A Tale of a Jade Dressing Table)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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