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中华文化 | 善胜者不争 Win a War Without Fighting

发布日期:2022-11-25  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:651
核心提示:善胜者不争Win a War Without Fighting善于取胜的人不争斗。犹言“不战而胜”。战争的直接目的是战胜敌人,但战胜敌人并不以战争为最高手段,直接诉诸武力是不得已而采取的下策。面对冲突和争斗,应该在更高层次上寻求超越武力的更好的制胜方法。努力在各方面整备自身,使自身足够完备或强大,游刃有余,甚至没有对手,这是根本的制胜之道。This concept means t


Win a War Without Fighting


This concept means that the ideal way to win a war is not through fighting. The purpose of starting a war is to defeat the enemy; but defeating the enemy does not necessarily require a war, nor is war the ultimate means to triumph over the enemy. Direct use of force is the last resort, not the preferred option. In the face of conflict and rivalry, one should develop more effective ways of winning victory without using force. Strive to fully prepare oneself in every way, and make oneself strong enough to respond to all eventualities, to the extent that no opponent will emerge. This is the fundamental way to win victory.

引例 Citations:



The laws of nature are: to win a war without fighting; to have response without speaking; to solicit support without issuing a call; and to plan with ease. (Laozi)



One who is good at winning does not need to fight, and one who is good at making advanced plan does not need to start war. (Zhang Ni: On the Playing of Go)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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