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中华文化专词 | 上工治未病

发布日期:2021-12-07  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:2700
核心提示:上工治未病Great Physicians Treat Before the Outbreak of an Illness来源:“学习强国”学习平台高明的医生施治于病发之前。“上工”指高明、上等的医生;“未病”指疾病稍有症状、但尚未真正发作的状态。作为中华医学的重要原则,它要求医者精通病理、医理,对病症、病势、病程等有超强的预见力、判断力和控制力,做到早发现、早预防、早治疗,其核心在于

上工治未病  Great Physicians Treat Before the Outbreak of an Illness



The best physicians start treatment before the outbreak of an illness. Shanggong are skillful, first-rate doctors; weibing refers to the status when the slightest symptoms appear but before the actual onset of an illness. This important principle of Chinese medicine requires a doctor to have a thorough command of pathology and medicine, as well as an exceptional ability to anticipate, judge and manage the signs, nature and course of a disease. This enables early discovery, early prevention and early treatment, the essence of which is prevention – preventing the outbreak, metastasis, development and transmission of a disease. This is a fundamental concept of Chinese health and medicine, an example of Chinese wisdom in "preparing for rain before a storm" and "guarding against disaster before it occurs."

引例 Citations:



Thus the wise begin treatment before the outbreak of a disease, rather than after; they do not quell disorder after it erupts, but take preventative measures before it emerges. (Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon of Medicine)



The greatest physicians apply acupuncture before an illness begins; lesser ones do so before the illness gets serious; still lesser ones do so after the illness begins to subside ... That is what we mean when we say that the best physicians start treatment before the disease rather than after. (Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon of Medicine)



A skillful practitioner of medicine knows that a disease will spread once it becomes serious and takes preventative measures ahead of time; this prevents pathogens from growing and spreading, and prevents the simultaneous emergence of several diseases. This is why we say a great physician treats before an illness. (Xu Dachun: The Origin and Development of Illnesses)

推荐:教育部 国家语委
供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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