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中华文化 | 比显兴隐 Make Analogy Explicit and Association Implicit

发布日期:2022-06-20  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:298
核心提示:比显兴隐 Make Analogy Explicit and Association Implicit“比”显豁而“兴”隐约。“比”与“兴”都源于《诗经》的六义。“比”是用一种事物比拟另一种事物,其目的是更好地传达思想情感,让人更透彻地知晓意思。因此,两种事物之间的相似特征应明确清晰、意义显豁,这样才容易被理解,否则就失去了“比”的意义。“兴”虽然同样由此及彼,但二者之间的关系是

比显兴隐  Make Analogy Explicit and Association Implicit


Analogies in a literary work should be conveyed clearly, and associations, subtly. Examples of analogy and association were first found in the six basic elements of The Book of Songs. "Analogy" means comparing one thing to another in order to better express one's feelings and thoughts, thus making oneself more thoroughly understood. With this in view, similarities between two things should be made apparent and exact; otherwise, carrying out a comparison would become meaningless. "Association," too, compares one thing to another, but such a link is indirect and nuanced, created by an inner combination of sentiment, charm and atmosphere, without a traceable cause or logic. The notion of explicit analogy versus implicit association is widely applied to poetry creation. Specifically, analogy is adjacent, obvious and easily intelligible, whereas association is profound, covert and aesthetically pleasing.

例句 Citations:



Poetic works in The Book of Songs have both width and depth. They are represented by six basic elements: ballad, court hymn, eulogy, narrative, analogy and association. Mao Heng and Mao Chang, in interpreting The Book of Songs, singled out association for extra explanation. Isn't that because ballads are simple and crude, narratives are direct, analogies are obvious but associations obscure? (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)



Narratives express inner feelings through describing external things; they give full expression to both feelings and objects. Analogies embody feelings in objects and attach feelings to objects. Associations are created through external things one sees by chance; in an association, feelings are inspired by objects. (As quoted in Hu Yin: A Letter to Li Shuyi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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