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中华文化 | 立中制节 Determine the Proper Way for Expressing Human Feelings

发布日期:2022-07-04  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:299
核心提示:立中制节Determine the Proper Way for Expressing Human Feelings确立适中的人情标准而制定礼仪的节度。出自《礼记》和《荀子》。儒家认为,人的情感需要获得适当的抒发与表达。但是,人情的轻重薄厚存在显著差异。礼对于人情的安顿,需要充分把握人情的差异,选择适中的人情程度作为合礼的标准,并依此对人情的抒发与表达做出节制。This concept originated in

立中制节  Determine the Proper Way for Expressing Human Feelings


This concept originated in The Book of Rites and Xunzi. Confucianism believes that human feelings need to be properly expressed. However, there are significant differences in the degree of human feelings. Rules should be established to govern the expression of human feelings based on a full understanding of their differences; and the rules for expressing people's feelings should be developed on the basis of a moderate degree of these feelings.

引例 Citation:



Should we tolerate those who are under the influence of depravity? When a parent of theirs dies in the morning, they will forget it by the evening. Were we to follow them, we would be worse than the birds and beasts. How could such people live together with others and not cause disorder? Should we instead follow the example of those who are particular about observing rites? For them, the three-year mourning, actually to be completed in 25 months, passes as quickly as a four-horse team galloping past a crack in a wall. If mourning is conducted the way as they wish, it will go on forever. Therefore the former kings established a proper rite for mourning with a fixed mourning period. Once the mourning period is over, mourning may come to an end. (The Book of Rites)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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