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中华文化 | 慎终如始 Be as Discreet at the End as at the Beginning; Remain Discreet Throughout the Whole Pro

发布日期:2022-07-13  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:806
核心提示:慎终如始Be as Discreet at the End as at the Beginning; Remain Discreet Throughout the Whole Process结束时要像开始时一样谨慎。意思是,做事情自始至终都应小心谨慎,始终如一。决定事情成败的因素很多,单从主观方面说,成功多取决于人的谨慎与坚持,失败则往往由于人的懈怠和放弃。当事情即将完成,尤其是向好的方向发展的时候,人的心理最易松弛,因而

慎终如始  Be as Discreet at the End as at the Beginning; Remain Discreet Throughout the Whole Process


One should be discreet at the beginning and all the way through to finish. Many factors determine success or failure. Generally speaking, discreetness and perseverance are the sure way to success, while negligence and laxity invariably lead to failure. When approaching a successful conclusion in an undertaking, people tend to lose drive and things may fall apart at the last minute. Therefore, we must act with discreetness, a concept that has its root in earnestness. Earnestness means handling things with great care.

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Some people fail when they are close to success. So, as we come to the end, we must be as discreet as at the beginning, and this will ensure success. (Laozi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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