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中华文化 | 爱类 Loving One's Own Kind

发布日期:2022-08-18  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:610
核心提示:爱类Loving One's Own Kind爱自己的同类,爱人类。中国古人认为,爱同类是有知觉或有灵性的动物的基本属性,作为万物灵长的人类亦然。人的爱心,首先表现在爱自己的同类上,生而为人,如果爱其他事物而不爱人类,就不能叫有爱心。也即是说,人是人类爱的第一对象,爱人类是人类爱的第一本质,也是人爱其他事物的精神原点。人之为人的基本规定性亦在于此。The

爱类  Loving One's Own Kind


The ancient Chinese considered loving others of one's own kind to be part of the fundamental nature of animals with consciousness and intelligence, and this was particularly true of humans, the most advanced of all creatures. Human love is first of all manifested in love for one's own kind. If a human loves other beings but not his or her fellow humans, that is not true love. Thus, human love first of all reaches other human beings, and love for humans is the fundamental nature of human love and also the origin of love for other creatures. So to love other human beings is a defining attribute of human beings.

引例 Citations:



If he loves other things but not his fellow human beings, he is not a man with true love. If he loves human beings but not other things, he is still a man with true love. The love we talk about is love for one's own kind. Therefore, a ruler with love who governs a country will do all the things beneficial to the people. (Master Lyu's Spring and Autumn Annals)



If he knows everything in the world, but not human feelings, he is not regarded as an intelligent man. If he loves all the living things in the world but not human beings, he is not regarded as a man with true love. The love that we talk about is to love one's own kind; the intelligence that we have in mind is the ability to see things for what they are. (Huainanzi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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