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中华文化 | 江山之助 Inspiration from Mountains and Rivers

发布日期:2022-10-09  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:932
核心提示:江山之助Inspiration from Mountains and Rivers江河山岳的景致启发、助益了文人的创作灵感和文学构思。“江山”指江河山岳,它与“庙堂”相对,多与隐逸相关。中国古代文人如果不能得志于庙堂,或者有意逃离庸俗琐碎的功名利禄,则往往放旷于山水之间。山水是诗歌、文章的描写对象,也是文人情感的寄托。山水诗在晋宋之时兴起。山水成为独立的审美对象,从山水


Inspiration from Mountains and Rivers


Mountains and rivers often inspire the literati in their literary conception. They use such landscapes in contrast to the imperial court. Thus, mountains and rivers symbolize a reclusive way of life. When ancient men of letters were unappreciated by the bureaucracy or when they wanted to escape from mundane duties and the crass pursuit of position and wealth, they might find their own meaning among mountains and rivers. They were not only the objects of poetic and prosaic description, but also where men of letters sought spiritual consolation. Mountain-and-river poetry first emerged between the Jin Dynasty and Song of the Southern Dynasties. Mountains and rivers became independent objects of artistic appreciation. Inspiration thus drawn adds to the aesthetic diversity of literary expression. The sight of mountains and rivers not only aids actual description of natural scenery in literary works, but also helps to chasten and elevate men of letters' spiritual world, expand their horizons and broaden their minds. Such aesthetic activities raise them to greater heights in literary experience and expression.

例句 Citation:



With the scenery so inspiringly beautiful and the landscape so exhilarating, talented men should really cheer up and set brush to paper. (Luo Binwang: Improvising a Poem While Attending a Banquet at the Marshal's Home on an Early Autumn Day)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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