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中华文化 | 以文为戏 Playful Writing

发布日期:2022-10-27  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:6820
核心提示:以文为戏Playful Writing将写文章看作游戏,指用戏谑诙谐的笔法写文章。唐朝著名文学家韩愈创作了《毛颖传》《送穷文》等作品,以戏谑的形式和笔法表达严肃的主题,由此产生中国古代文论的一个术语。它强调文学的游戏功能,用戏谑诙谐的笔法摹写严肃庄重的社会主题,或将物拟人,或虚构情境,借以讥讽世情、寄托个人愤懑。这与儒家传统的“文以明道”“文以载道


Playful Writing


This term refers to a playful approach to the composition of prose. Famed Tang Dynasty writer Han Yu, for example, wrote his "Biography of Mao Ying" and "Bidding Farewell to Poverty," both dealing with serious themes, in a witty way. Playful writing thus became a style of classic Chinese prose. It stressed the entertaining, game-like function of literature and playfully explored serious themes. Thus, a writer often personified a non-human object or conjured up a situation to satirize human behavior and express personal feelings. This playful approach to writing became highly controversial, as it stood in contrast to the established Confucian notion that literature should be a vehicle of cultivating moral values. Some scholars like Pei Du and Zhang Ji opposed this style of writing, but Liu Zongyuan wrote an essay in support of Han Yu, arguing that playful writing had intellectual value and aesthetic significance, and it was in fact not that different from the tradition of regarding literature as a vehicle of cultivating moral values. These two views were mutually complementary, each with its theoretical value. Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan broke new ground with their literary theory and works, enriched the styles of classic Chinese literature with playful writing, and greatly influenced essay writing of later generations.

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He (Han Yu) is no doubt a talented man. These days, however, I have been told he has become complacent and often disregards all established rules in writing. He does not bother to set norms for society in his writing, treating it only as a way to amuse himself. Is that proper? (Pei Du: My Letter to Li Ao)



A poet sees all external objects as materials for playful writing, but such writing requires keen interest. Therefore, wit and solemnity are both indispensable. (Wang Guowei: The Deleted Part of Poetic Remarks in the Human World)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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