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中华文化 | 以物观物 Observe Things Based on Their Own Features

发布日期:2024-04-29  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:66
核心提示:以物观物Observe Things Based on Their Own Features顺应事物自身的样态去观知事物。“以物观物”是宋代理学家邵雍(1011—1077)提出的一种观察、认知事物的方式。邵雍指出,人们在观察、认知事物的过程中,往往会出于自我的主观意识形成对事物的好恶,从而影响对事物真实样态的认知。因此,邵雍提出“以物观物”的主张,认为人们应该以一种冷静的态度排除主观

Observe Things Based on Their Own Features


This concept means to observe and understand things in accordance with their own characteristics. It is a way of observing and understanding things proposed by Shao Yong (1011-1077), a neo-Confucian philosopher of the Song Dynasty. According to him, in the process of observing and understanding things, people often form likes and dislikes for things based on their own subjective consciousness, which affects their understanding of the true nature of things. Therefore, he proposed the idea of observing things based on their own features, believing that people should adopt a calm attitude to remove the influence of subjective consciousness and observe things in accordance with their own characteristics to truly understand them as they are.

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Observing things based on their own characteristics is the embodiment of natural instinct, while observing things based on one's own awareness is the embodiment of emotion. Natural instinct is impartial and clear, while emotions are biased and obscure. (Collected Works of Shao Yong)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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