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中华文化 | 见贤思齐 When Seeing a Person of High Caliber, Strive to Be His Equal

发布日期:2022-04-30  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:1886
核心提示:见贤思齐When Seeing a Person of High Caliber, Strive to Be His Equal遇见有德才的人,就要想着努力向他看齐。“贤”指德才兼备的人;“齐”是看齐,达到同样的水平。“见贤思齐”是孔子对自己学生的教导,后成为世人修身养德、增加才智的座右铭。其主旨在于鼓励人们善于发现他人长处,激发内心的自觉,主动向道德、学问、技能等比自己强的人学习看齐,从而不

见贤思齐  When Seeing a Person of High Caliber, Strive to Be His Equal


This term means that when you see a person of high caliber, you should try to emulate and equal the person. Xian (贤) refers to a person of virtue and capability; qi (齐) means to emulate and reach the same level. This was what Confucius taught his students to do. The term has become a motto for cultivating one's moral character and increasing one's knowledge. The main point of this term is to encourage people to discover the strengths of others and take initiative to learn from those who are stronger than themselves in terms of moral qualities, knowledge, and skills so as to make constant progress. The term embodies the Chinese nation's spirit for good, enterprise, and tenacious self-renewal.

引例 Citations:



Confucius said, "When you see a person of virtue and capability, you should think of emulating and equaling the person; when you see a person of low caliber, you should reflect on your own weak points." (The Analects)



Men of virtue, who study extensively and reflect on themselves every day, become wise and intelligent and are free from making mistakes. (Xunzi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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