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中华文化 | 情兼雅怨 A Mixed Quality of Grace and Sorrow

发布日期:2022-05-20  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:386
核心提示:中华文化 | 情兼雅怨情兼雅怨A Mixed Quality of Grace and Sorrow诗歌既表达了诗人的怨苦情感,又不违背雅正的审美标准。这是南朝著名文学理论家钟嵘提出的评判诗歌好坏的标准之一。钟嵘从艺术角度评价曹植的诗“情兼雅怨”,其意强调诗歌要抒发诗人内心的怨苦,但这种情感的宣泄一定要适度,符合雅正标准。对于“雅怨”的具体解释,则存在不同看法:一种认为“

中华文化 | 情兼雅怨

情兼雅怨  A Mixed Quality of Grace and Sorrow


Poetry should express a poet's grief while not violating the aesthetic rule of proper grace. First raised by the renowned Southern Dynasties literary theorist Zhong Rong, this is an important criterion used to judge the merit of poetry. Proceeding from an artistic perspective, Zhong deemed poems by Cao Zhi as "having a mixed quality of grace and sorrow." He stressed that a poet should guard against excess emotion and obey the rule of proper grace. As for how to understand the notion of "graceful sorrow," there are two somewhat different interpretations. According to the first, the emphasis of that notion is on sorrow; namely, Cao's poems seek to voice suppressed grief, despite a restrained, proper style of expression. The second interpretation says that "grace" and "sorrow" here are of equal weight, insisting that Cao's poems are both aggrieved and graceful. No matter what, Zhong's theory enhanced Lu Ji's idea of "poetry as a natural outcome of feelings" to a new level and elaborated on the traditional theory that "feelings should be controlled by ritual propriety."

引例 Citations:



Poems by Cao Zhi, are profoundly influenced by "Ballads from the States" of The Book of Songs. They are majestic and beautiful in style, with a mixed quality of grace and sorrow. Content and form fit together seamlessly. Cao Zhi thus puts all past poetic endeavors to shame and boasts a remarkable edge over his contemporaries. (Zhong Rong: The Critique of Poetry)



"Ballads from the States" express passionate love without indulgence. "Minor Court Hymns" make complaints and criticisms without inciting trouble. As for "Li Sao" by Qu Yuan, it combines the aesthetic merits of both "Ballads from the States" and "Minor Court Hymns." (Records of the Historian)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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