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中华文化 | 成心 Biased Mind

发布日期:2022-09-01  浏览次数:215
核心提示:成心Biased Mind带有成见的心。出自《庄子·齐物论》。庄子认为,人们如果站在自我立场上去看待他者,就会用自己的标准形成对他者、对世界的成见。而由于立场或标准的不同,彼此的成见会造成各种对立和纷争。被成见所遮蔽的心,就是“成心”。人们怀有“成心”而往往不自知。因此,庄子提示人们应意识到并超越“成心”以及狭隘的自我立场。This refers to prejud

成心  Biased Mind


This refers to prejudice a person has developed towards a particular person or thing. The concept is from Zhuangzi. The author Zhuangzi believed that people will develop biased views towards other people or things when they only look at other people or things from their own perspectives. Such bias caused by different points of view or standards can lead to disagreement or confrontation. People seldom realize that they have a biased mind. Thus Zhuangzi suggested that people need to be aware of their own biased mind and overcome it.

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If people just follow their own biased mind, does it mean that there are no general standards for all to follow? Both those well-informed people who know that everything changes and foolish people have biased minds. Claiming to know about what is right and wrong about something before gaining enough knowledge about it is like journeying to the State of Yue today and arriving there yesterday. (Zhuangzi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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