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中华文化 | 兼听 Listen to Both Sides

发布日期:2022-06-21  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:330
核心提示:兼听Listen to Both Sides广泛听取各种意见。“兼”有俱、同时之义。领导者在决策之前,一定要广泛听取各种意见,综合、吸纳其中的合理部分。它被认为是贤明领导者的基本特质之一。它要求领导者站在公正的立场上,无偏无私,虚怀若谷。这样,各方都能畅所欲言,提出合理建议,而领导者也能集思广益,权衡利弊,从而保障决策的正确和施策的畅通。It means listeni

兼听  Listen to Both Sides


It means listening to diverse points of view. Before making decisions, leaders must listen to all kinds of opinions and synthesize them so as to extract the most sensible arguments. That is deemed a basic characteristic of a wise and worthy leader. To do so, a leader must be fair, impartial, and open-minded. Only in this way can the parties concerned speak their minds and make rational suggestions, which, in turn, will enable a leader to benefit from various ideas, weigh the trade-offs, make correct decisions, and ensure their successful implementation.

引例 Citations:



Listening to both sides will make one wise and well-informed, thus ensuring broad support all over the land. (Xunzi)



Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once asked Wei Zheng, "What behavior will make a king wise or foolish?" Wei Zheng answered, "Listening to all kinds of views will make him wise whereas blindly believing will fool him." (History as a Mirror)



Rulers should have the virtue of listening to all kinds of opinions and must be doing so with the utmost impartiality. (The History of the Song Dynasty)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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