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中华文化 | 文武之道,一张一弛 The Rules of King Wen and King Wu Are Like Slack and Taut Bowstrings

发布日期:2023-08-20  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:284
核心提示:文武之道,一张一弛The Rules of King Wen and King Wu Are Like Slack and Taut Bowstrings周文王、周武王(?—前1043)治理国家像使用弓弩一样有紧有松,宽严结合。“文武”指周文王、周武王;“道”指治国方法;“张”本指拉紧弓弦,比喻严及紧张;“弛”指放松弓弦,比喻宽及放松。以孔子(前551—前479)为代表的儒家主张治国应以德礼教化为主,武力刑罚为

The Rules of King Wen and King Wu Are Like Slack and Taut Bowstrings


This term means that two kings Wen and Wu (?-1043 BC) of Zhou applied the idea of taut and slack bowstrings in archery to governing: a mixture of strictness and leniency. Wenwu (文武) refers to King Wen and King Wu of Zhou; dao (道) means the way of governing; zhang (张) taut bowstring, or strictness; and chi (弛) slack bowstring, or leniency. The Confucian school of thought, as represented by Confucius (551-479 BC), advocated that governance should be based foremost on morality, propriety and education, with the use of force and punishment in second place only. The pen and the sword, leniency and strictness should complement each other. The expression is a crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient sage kings. In the modern sense, people should apply this attitude to organizing their life: a balance of work and play.

引例 Citations:



To rule only with strictness and no leniency was not possible for King Wen and King Wu of Zhou; to rule only with leniency and no strictness was not what they wished to do. A mixture of pen and sword was the way they chose to rule. (The Book of Rites)



King Wen of Zhou ruled with morality, propriety and education. King Wu of Zhou used force to eliminate whatever harmed the people. (The Book of Rites)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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