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中华文化专 | 义政 Proper Governance

发布日期:2024-04-21  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:33
核心提示:义政Proper Governance以道义、仁义服人的政治,合于正义的政治。这是古代思想家墨子提出的概念,与“力政”(以暴力服人的政治、强权政治)相对。其本质内涵是顺从“天意”,其具体表现是不以大欺小、不恃强凌弱,不论贫富贵贱智愚,皆平等相待、友善相处等。这与儒家的“王道”理念不无相通之处。自古及今,崇尚道义或正义,反对强权或暴力,一直是中华民族的


Proper Governance


Governance based on morality, kindness and fairness is first proposed by Mozi, in contrast to lizheng (力政) meaning governance based on violence and coercion. This concept follows the "principles of the highest authority," which in practice should be manifested by the big not bullying the small, the strong not crushing the weak, equal treatment for all regardless of wealth, status or intelligence, so all should coexist amicably. This is similar to the Confucian concept of the "kingly way," or benevolent governance. From ancient times to the present, Chinese culture has advocated governance with virtue and justice, and abhorred rule by violence and coercion.

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Proper governance means following the "principles of the highest authority," and the opposite is rule by coercion and violence. So what is proper governance? Mozi said, "Big countries do not seize small ones, large clans do not rob small ones, the strong does not bully the weak, the rich and powerful do not despise the poor and lowly, and the cunning ones do not bully the foolish." (Mozi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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