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中华文化 | 有待 Having Something to Depend on

发布日期:2023-08-28  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:205
核心提示:有待Having Something to Depend on有所依赖,与“无待”相对。“有待”的观念出自《庄子》。庄子(前369?—前286)认为,人和事物的存在无法脱离其所处的境遇,因而总会受到各种外在条件的限制和制约,也即是“有待”的。“有待”揭示了事物之间的相互关联与依存关系。只有人的心灵能够超越其所处的现实境遇,不为外物所束缚、牵累,才可达到一种自由、无

Having Something to Depend on


As opposed to wudai (无待 having nothing to depend on), youdai (有待) literally means "having something to depend on." The concept comes from Zhuangzi. The author Zhuangzi (369?-286 BC) believed that both humans and things are never independent of their surroundings and thus are subject to external restrictions. In other words, they always "have something to depend on." In this sense, youdai reveals the interconnection and interdependence between all things that exist. Only when a person is able to detach himself from his surroundings and clear his mind of all external constraints and encumbrances can he attain the free and unhindered state of wudai.

引例 Citation:



Penumbra asked Umbra, "You were moving a moment ago, and now you are still. You were sitting a moment ago, and now you stand up. Why don't you follow a constant code of conduct?" Umbra answered, "Is it because I have something to depend on? Is it because what I depend on still has something else to depend on? Is what I depend on to me what ventral scales are to a snake or what wings are to a cicada? How do I know what causes it to be so! How do I know what causes it not to be so!" (Zhuangzi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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