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中华文化 | 不诚无物 Without Sincerity, Nothing Is Possible

发布日期:2023-10-21  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:237
核心提示:不诚无物Without Sincerity, Nothing Is Possible没有诚,任何事物都不会存在。诚即真实、真诚。儒家认为,它是人和万事万物所遵循的基本原理或法则,是人和万事万物充分发挥其固有天性或本质属性的过程,是人和万事万物得以存在或完成其自身的终极依据,是人和万事万物达成的同步互动、有机融合的理想境界。单就人世层面来说,若无诚心,则一事无成。这一命题表


Without Sincerity, Nothing Is Possible


Confucian scholars believed that nothing is possible without sincerity, which is the basic principle or law followed by humans and all things. It is a process in which humans and all things give full play to their inherent nature or essential properties. Sincerity is what enables them to exist and improve themselves, and it is an ideal state of both their interaction and integration. In terms of human activities, it is obvious that without sincerity, nothing can be accomplished. This notion stresses that sincerity is both real and fundamental, that humans have subjectivity, and that with sincerity, they can achieve unity with the outer world.

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Sincerity is what makes oneself whole, and its way shows how one conducts oneself. Sincerity makes things happen and delivers outcomes. Without sincerity, there is nothing. For this reason, a man of virtue reveres sincerity. Sincerity not only makes oneself whole but also makes other people and creatures whole. Making oneself whole is a virtue; making others whole is vision. Virtue and vision are naturally born, and they are fundamental to achieving unity between oneself and the outer world. (The Book of Rites)



Sincerity makes things happen and delivers outcomes. Without sincerity, there is nothing. Things are the same as undertakings. Without sincerity, nothing can be achieved. (The New Tang History)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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