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中华文化 | 常识 General Knowledge

发布日期:2024-02-27  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:88
核心提示:常识General Knowledge通常的认知。“常”即普通、一般或正常,也有恒常不变之义;“识”即知识、认识或见识。它是社会对同一事物普遍存在的日常共识,是一个群体日用而不知的共同精神基础。明治时期,日本学者用“常识”一词与英文common sense达成对译,于清末传入中国。其义与专门知识相对,主要指普通知识,也含有道德意蕴,被认为是判断是非善恶、决定进退


General Knowledge

通常的认知。“常”即普通、一般或正常,也有恒常不变之义;“识”即知识、认识或见识。它是社会对同一事物普遍存在的日常共识,是一个群体日用而不知的共同精神基础。明治时期,日本学者用“常识”一词与英文common sense达成对译,于清末传入中国。其义与专门知识相对,主要指普通知识,也含有道德意蕴,被认为是判断是非善恶、决定进退取舍的标准或尺度。今主要指一个正常人所应具备的基本知识,其古今意涵有贯通性。

In this expression, chang (常) means "ordinary," "common," or "normal," together with "constant" and "unchanging." Shi (识) here refers to what is known, understood, or experienced. General knowledge is the social consensus on the basic matters of everyday life and the commonly shared spiritual background that is unknowingly assumed by the community. During Japan's Meiji Era, some Japanese scholars used 常识 to render the English phrase "common sense," which spread to China at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Its meaning is opposite to that of "specialized knowledge." Besides, "general knowledge" has moral implications, and has been upheld as the criterion or measure for telling right from wrong and good from evil, and for deciding whether to advance or retreat and making various choices. Today, the expression mainly refers to the basic knowledge a normal person should have. Its ancient and modern meanings are connected.

引例 Citations:



Sages skillfully use methods of adaptation, where something unfathomable is innate. It is beyond our limited understanding and general knowledge. (Zhu Xi: Reply to Cheng Gong)



Splendid articles derive from general knowledge; recondite truths call for simple language. (Shen Lian: Twenty-three Buxuci Lyrics)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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