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中华文化 | 颂赞 Extolment and Commendation

发布日期:2022-08-01  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:371
核心提示:颂赞Extolment and Commendation歌颂、赞扬美好的人物、事物、功德、品行等,并弘扬其积极意义和正面价值的文体。“颂”本指仪容,作为文体名称,有“描摹仪容”“颂扬”双重含义,意思是通过描写仪容状貌颂扬人的德行;“赞”是赞美,用于对人的功德或美好事物的赞美与评价。二者的共同点都是以歌颂赞美为宗旨,篇幅简短,句式整齐,多用韵文。南朝刘勰高度推崇


Extolment and Commendation


Essays of extolment and commendation were written to pay tribute to laudable persons, things, merits and virtues, thus promoting their positive influence. The purpose of both an extolment and a commendation is to exalt good persons and things. Such essays are short, neatly patterned and rhymed. Liu Xie of the Southern Dynasties valued the intellectual and educational value of extolment and commendation essays. He found that the objects of extolment had extended from gods, emperors and kings to ordinary people and the scope of extolment was no longer limited to state affairs; it had been extended to cover all beautiful things. To him, an essay of commendation also functions as an evaluation and a positive evaluation enhances the significance of commendation. In Chinese literature, writings of extolment or commendation are not only essays in their own right; they are sometimes attached to various literary works or even news reports. These works, through extolment and positive evaluation, promote the traditional Chinese thought and culture.

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By definition, an essay of extolment should be refined and proper in content and refreshing and elegant in style. Its narration should resemble rhapsodic prose but should not indulge in verbosity. Its solemn and prudent style should resemble that of an epigraph but should not contain admonition. An essay of extolment is written to pay homage to the goodness of a person or a thing, focusing on major accomplishments to highlight its significance. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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