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中华文化 | 统类 Universal Principles

发布日期:2022-08-19  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:321
核心提示:统类Universal Principles统括分别之物的法则。这一术语出自《荀子》。荀子认为,通过对事物的分类区别以及对不同类别事物的把握,圣人可以获得统括天下事物的普遍法则。“统类”保证了不同类别的事物在统一的秩序之中获得安顿与规范,同时也可以将新出现的事物纳入既有的秩序中来。First proposed in the bookXunzi, this term refers to fundamental principle

统类  Universal Principles


First proposed in the book Xunzi, this term refers to fundamental principles which apply to different things. It means that by differentiating things according to their categories and by understanding these categories, a sage could acquire universal principles which apply to all things. By following universal principles, one can ensure that different categories of things can all find their proper places within a unified order. At the same time, new things can also be integrated into the existing order.

引例 Citations:



If strange things and developments which have never been heard of or seen before suddenly appear, they can be dealt with by applying universal principles. (Xunzi)



His statements are many but they are always graceful and proper, and his classification is clear. Everyday, he expounded on his views. Though he expressed his beliefs in many ways, he is always guided by universal principles that apply to all things: this is how a sage observes the world. (Xunzi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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