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中华文化 | 刚柔相济 Combine Toughness with Softness

发布日期:2022-09-26  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:240
核心提示:刚柔相济Combine Toughness with Softness刚与柔两种手段互相调剂、配合。“刚”与“柔”是指人和事物的两种相反的属性。就执政理事而言,“刚”指强硬、严厉,“柔”指温柔、宽宥,“刚柔相济”相当于“恩威并施”。“刚柔”被认为是“阴阳”的具体表现。“刚”与“柔”之间的对立与调和是促成事物运动变化的根本原因。具体到政策、法令的制定与实施及社会或企


Combine Toughness with Softness


Gang (刚) and rou (柔) are two mutually complementary measures. They refer to two opposite properties or qualities that objects and human beings possess. In the realm of governance, gang means being tough and stern, while rou means being soft and lenient, and the term means to combine tough management with gentle care. Gang and rou are considered to be a concrete manifestation of yin and yang. Their mutual opposition and accommodation are the causes of change. When formulating and implementing policies and decrees or managing a society or an enterprise, there must be a certain balance between gang and rou.

引例 Citations:



Confucius said: "One must perform righteousness according to the rules of propriety and speak in humility." One should be soft and gentle without, while tough and firm within, and should combine toughness with softness, without trying to overpower the other side. This is the way to achieve success in doing everything. (Zheng Shanfu: Letter in Reply to Daofu)



All generals must combine toughness with softness, and should not act with personal prowess only. (Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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