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中华文化 | 道义可尊,无择负贩 A Person Who Leads a Moral and Righteous Life Commands Respect Even If He Is a Humb

发布日期:2023-07-09  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:261
核心提示:道义可尊,无择负贩A Person Who Leads a Moral and Righteous Life Commands Respect Even If He Is a Humble Peddler符合道义就应当受到尊重,即便他是小商贩。犹言在道义面前人人平等。“道义”即道德、正义;“负贩”即挑着担子做买卖的小商贩。人是否可尊敬,不应以身份地位论,而应以内在品格论,即以道义为根本依据——言行符合道义则可尊敬,言行不合道


A Person Who Leads a Moral and Righteous Life Commands Respect Even If He Is a Humble Peddler


This concept is tantamount to saying that everyone is equal before morality and righteousness. The term fufan (负贩) refers to a small trader who carries a toting pole to do business. Whether a person commands respect or not should not be based on status, but on intrinsic character, i.e., morality and righteousness. Those whose words and deeds are moral and righteous command respect. Otherwise, they do not. This concept vividly demonstrates the spirit of the Chinese people who advocate morality and righteousness.

引例 Citations:



There is no one under heaven who is born with honor. Therefore, one commands respect so long as he leads a moral and righteous life, even if he is a humble peddler. (Du You: An Encyclopedic History of Institutions)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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