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中华文化 | 礼不下庶人 The Common People Are Not Bound by Ceremonial Rites

发布日期:2023-07-14  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:221
核心提示:礼不下庶人The Common People Are Not Bound by Ceremonial Rites礼制的施行向下不涉及普通百姓。这是儒家经典《礼记》所阐述的周朝礼制施行的一个原则。周朝的礼仪规定很繁琐,即便是贵族也不胜其烦;而普通百姓大多生活贫困,忙于生计,没有足够的财力和精力完满地执行各种礼仪规定。故在制度层面规定不以礼仪苛责于普通百姓,只是用它激励百姓的自我提升。周

The Common People Are Not Bound by Ceremonial Rites


This is one of the guiding principles in the implementation of the Zhou rites, as was recorded in The Book of Rites, a Confucian classic. The rituals were so cumbersome at the time that even the nobility found it difficult to observe them strictly. The commoners, mostly poor and busy earning their livelihood, were incapable of affording the money and energy needed to fulfill the numerous ceremonial requirements. Therefore, it was stipulated that observation of the rites not be mandatory for common people. It was only used to inspire them towards self-improvement. Although the Zhou rites had long since become history, the spirit of benevolence and tolerance shown in this principle was upheld in the ages that followed.

引例 Citations:



The common people are not bound by official ceremonial rites, while highranking officials are not subject to penal statutes. (The Book of Rites)



It is said that the common people are not bound by ceremonial rites. Since they are too busy earning their livelihood to fully learn to practice the rituals, they are not obliged to observe the whole set of rules. (Sayings of the School of Confucius)



The common people are not bound by ceremonial rites. In this way, they are encouraged to learn and become scholars. (Debates of the White Tiger Hall)

推荐:教育部 国家语委

供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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