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中华文化专词 | 和而不流 Living in Harmony with Others Without Losing Moral Ground

发布日期:2022-01-22  来源:中华思想文化术语  作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会  浏览次数:565
核心提示:和而不流Living in Harmony with Others Without Losing Moral Ground和睦而不顺从于流俗。早期儒家的《中庸》《荀子》等文献中都提到“和而不流”的观念。儒家倡导人与人之间有序、和睦的关系。但如果一味追求与人和睦,则容易出于人情关系的考虑而丧失对道德原则的坚守,以致同流合污。因此儒家强调要在保持和睦关系的同时,始终坚守道德原则。This concept of

和而不流  Living in Harmony with Others Without Losing Moral Ground


This concept of living in harmony with others without losing moral ground was mentioned in early Confucian classics such as The Doctrine of the Mean and Xunzi. Confucianism believed that interpersonal relations should be in proper order and harmonious. But it was concerned that if one only pursues harmony, desire to foster personal ties can easily lead to a failure to abide by the moral code and to the loss of moral ground. Confucianism therefore emphasized the importance of abiding by one's moral standard while maintaining harmonious relations with others.

引例 Citations:



A man of virtue lives in harmony with others without losing moral ground – such is his strength. (The Book of Rites)



Music exerts a profound impact on people and rapidly transforms them. This is why past kings were very careful when setting out rules of musical composition. If music is balanced and tranquil in tone, then people will live in harmony without losing moral ground; if music is solemn in tone, people will be in proper order and not be unruly in behavior. (Xunzi)

推荐:教育部 国家语委
供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社


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